Sunday, March 15, 2009

my room ku:nel

on my recent trip to kanga kanga i subscribed to ku:nel magazine. i just can't wait to receive this little bundle of goodness in the mail once every two months. ku:nel is a japanese magazine with a non-consumerist, homey focus - homecooking recipes, beautifully understated interiors and stories on healthy, sustainable living. because i just can't wait, i have been poring over the ku:nel site, and discovered the little section called my room.  ku:nel asks what makes a home a home, and readers submit pictures of their most loved lived in rooms and interiors. a lovely insight into not only quintessentially japanese interiors, but also the universal idea of home.  it's also nice to have a look at the everyday my bento section, where ku:nel bento fans submit their daily bento.

the new york times blog the moment has a little bit on the pleasures of ku:nel in english.

magazineworld publishers unfortunately don't take overseas subscriptions (i asked). but kanga kanga in melbourne can do subscriptions to ku:nel, and i am sure kinokuniya would sell it. or yes asia. if it cannot be accessed via direct stores, perhaps an etsy re-seller such as a little goodness might do a bit of magazine-middle-management.


  1. That is a beautiful magazine! I also fell in love with a similar magazine called Arne. It is a very small magazine that celebrates creativity and the simplicity of life!
    You can see some issues at

  2. i love this magazine and 'Lingkaran' magazine!

    great photos!

    i LOVE your blog!!!

  3. thankyou for your lovely comment:) i don't know lingkaran magazine - i will have to google!

  4. ps - and i just had a look at your blog - so great! i will definitely be checking in very regularly, is truly so great to keep finding all these wonderful discoveries in blog world:)

  5. that's such a great feature - these real life shots are so good. i love ku:nel but it's impossible to find in the uk.

  6. I didn't know about this magazine! I live within a few hours of Chicago where there is an international magazine store. Hopefully I can find the magazine there! Pretty blog you have!

