Monday, May 25, 2009

a house named tofu

whatwedoissecret are wonderful. my favourite (japanese-focussed) architecture site.
this, i just could not resist to post as well. a house named tofu, say no more.


  1. wow, hey imagine living in here! very cool!
    tofu houseという名前もクールだね;)

  2. Anonymous22:09

    The angles! Clear crisp and warm!

  3. great website link.
    although i don't understand the japanese, the architecture speaks for itself!
    ps.i've added a link to your blog, as i think i've be viisting it often :)

  4. hi hiki and jo - crisp and warm is such a nice way to describe it! would LOVE to live here. i really, really like the two shots of interior - that cutout... and thanks so much for your comment mary, and to link, wow, i really admire your blog, so i am very honoured!

  5. Oh my goodness I want to live in a house called Tofu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Oh, good, I'm glad you posted this. I saw it on WWDIS too - it's from 1997 and I can't believe it hasn't had more press! I hope it gets re-posted everywhere and then inspires someone in Vancouver to commission something similar.

  7. yes, my two loves come together - tofu and beautifully conceived japanese architecture!
    and it is in kyoto, of all places. i am disappointed i didn;t know about it earlier - i would have made a beeline for it on my mamachari whilst riding round the neighbourhood...

  8. おいしい そう!

  9. Your wonderful blog brings me always new thoughts. Thank you for this link! :)

