Thursday, September 30, 2010

continuing on the US theme.

these are all from anthropologie.
some of the patterns and things caught my eye.

i am curious about what
people think about anthropologie?
especially people from the us,
or elsewhere it is quite popular.
(it is still relatively unknown perhaps in oz?
although correct me if i'm wrong!)

what place does it hold in the 
battle of the interiors?
(i know they do clothes as well,
but am actually not a massive fan of their clothes,
although some of the little purses are nice.)
is it a big player with heart and innovation?
or just a big player?

i am worried that some of the ceramics are so cheap though.
what are the people making them being paid??
or is it the inevitable cost efficiencies of mass production?

anyway, just curious!
it is very nice to see an
australia ceramicist there -
that's so great,

samantha robinson porcelain from australia

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands

hannah and her sisters, woody allen dir.


e.e. cummings, somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond:

"(I do not know what it is about you that closes
and opens; only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands."

we watched this the other night.
that last line of the poem,
i am not sure i have read better,
for a line of love.

woody allen is obviously best advertisement for ny ever.
it made me want to visit again
and walk those streets.

first time round,
i was reading f scott fitzgerald,
so was in 20s and 30s new york.
found myself dreaming of excess and glamour,
and disappointments,
in grand old hotel foyers
and under striped apartment awnings.

we did see woody allen pay jazz
at the carlyle.
that was pretty great.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

sometimes it would be nice to
live in a ballroom.
or to 
have a balcony on request.

is a nice place.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

she seems a fascinating woman, edith sitwell.
i just finished reading

little augury has some brilliant posts on her
(and from which many of these images come).

::the peacock::

there was a peacock in the grounds of their estate, renishaw,
who was edith's best friend for a while growing up:
"he would wait for me until i left my mother's room, then,
with another harsh shriek would fly down into the large gardens.
we walked around these, with my arm around his lovely neck,
that shone like tears in a dark forest.
if it had not been for his crown, which made him slightly taller than me,
we should have been of the same height...this romance lasted for months.
then my father bought Peaky a wife
(in my eyes a most dull and insignificant bird)
and he discarded my companionship."

::on poetry::

i often think i should be reading poetry,
but i never really do.

this autobiography by edith sitwell

did not make me admire her poetry altogether,
but she gives illuminating insight
into how poetry is made,

rythym, tempo, dissonance and assonance.

she used synaesthesia or sense transference quite a lot in her poems:
"(because) the language of one sense was
insufficient to cover the meaning,
the sensation, I used the language of another,
and by this means attempted to pierce down to the essence
of the thing seen, by discovering in it attributes which at
first sight appear alien, but which are acutely related"

Some that I liked:
"Each dull blunt wooden stalactite
Of rain creaks, hardened by the light."

and these two are nice:

"Walk by the shore of the wan grassy sea,
Talking once more 'neath a swan-bosomed tree."

(according to Edith, there was "a great trouble with the critics"
about those lines...her words in response:
"'A wan grassy sea'? Is not the sea often the colour of summer grass?
'A swan bosomed tree'. Has nobody seen a tree covered with snow?")

::on eccentricity::

"eccentricity is not, as dull people would have us believe,
a form of madness. it is often a kind of innocent pride,
and the man of genius and the aristocrat
are frequently regarded as eccentrics because
genius and aristocrat are entirely unafraid of
and uninfluenced by the opinions and vagaries of the crowd."

she also has very good words to say about

which i am always all for.

Friday, September 3, 2010

judith scott fibre art.

would be wonderful to see.
youtube short here.