Saturday, January 2, 2010

i like these photos of vintage gardens.
what an amazing garden seat above.
and the ivy-covered house with the astounding topiary and the treasured pet cat, wonderful.
the little boy gazing out at the wild garden is something special, too.

the vintage gardens are via this flickr site.
at end is a book i think would be nice, the lost gardens of sydney.

:: ps ::
i have started another blog,this one is to try and help myself to quit smoking.
doing ii-ne-kore has been so great,
it has had such a positive impact on me, to collect and share the things i like,
that i thought maybe i should use that positive energy to help myself with the smoking thing.
maybe it won't last, but maybe it will, we shall see! 


  1. happy new year!
    hope you'll be able to quit smoking! the other blog is looking good as well!
    all the best to you!

  2. thank you mieke!! a very big happy new year to you too:)
    thank you very much for the nice comment about the smoking and the other blog - i will try! i need distractions:)

  3. happy 2010 bree!
    these pictures are beautiful :)

  4. Akemasite omedeto Bree!
    That gaerden seat looks awesome!!!
    Good luck for quit smoking! I'd say japan still is smokers paradise but it's getting better for nonsmokers slowly...

  5. thanks marie! happy 2010 to you:)
    and あけましておめでとう!!! to you too hiki, i hope you have a lovely start to the year. and thanks so much for you comment on the new blog! japan is the smokers paradise (can you still smoke in banks?) and in fact that is where i first began to smoke, so many years ago....

