Thursday, May 13, 2010

this is really interesting.
dormitory accommodation for students at kyoto university.
this article gives really great information on the how and why.

(this place is also a potential 200 yen per night stay in kyoto!)


  1. Oh yeah. I used to live around the corner from this place and pass it every day on my bike. Hard core!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Holy hell! That's unbelievable. Puts a whole new spin on the "poor student" stigma.

  4. Anonymous01:25

    it is hardcore true!!!

  5. i'll be in kyoto in a few weeks time :)
    it looks very atmospheric in the photos but not so sure i'd want to stay there!

  6. kyampu-jo ni ikimasu! (in preference to this place...The Shiningu-Wa???)

  7. that building looks great but filthy :-)
    love the photos!

  8. it is a bit hardcore desu ne:) but also very classic, i think. not sure if you remember my post on the filth cafe?
    a similar nonchalance toward order here...although this one certainly more extreme. i think this is an interesting area to see, another side of japan that is miles from what some associate with whatever a 'japanese' aesthetic may be...on the other hand, there are places like this all over? hmm. i am not sure i could do the 200 yen stay either. too hardcore for me. camping a nice option certainly:)

  9. WHOA! すごくきたない!!ハハハ〜

  10. it could be a great place with a lot of TLC, i think.
    There is also a person camping at the campus who was sucked from the uni with unreasonable reason and he has been squatting there for a while now. He sells coffee and that is how he supports himself. (he roasts beans on the little stove there too).
    Since some of my friends have moved to that area recently, I will not be staying 200 yen per night but great area to walk around.

  11. Wow! This is something. I've stayed in places like this while traveling, but I admit I'm losing my taste for it. Not that it was ever really a taste. I'm really surprised students haven't tried to give this place some sort of Bohemian Chic makeover. Considering that they're paying virtually no rent, the effort would be worth it. Not to psychologize too much, but I once lived with someone whose parents were neat freaks and his level of both dirt and untidiness were really, really shocking. I always thought it was an obvious case of reaction formation. Looking at these photos I wonder if this isn't the same phenomenon, just on a wider social scale. PS I recently reread Norwegian Wood, which I'm sure you must have read, and this sort of reminds me of the male dorm in that novel.

