“LA-based Emily Shur has been traveling and photographing
through Japan since 2004, building a personal body of work
that is, as she describes it, a “celebration of
introspection.” Like much of her work, many of the images look
as if they could have been taken anywhere in the world.
Without the title, Imperial Palace Gardens with Wall, Tokyo
(picture 4, below) might be mistaken for the groomed gardens
found around Southern California, near Emily’s own home.
The nature of this work highlights why disasters like the
earthquake and tsunami in Japan are so unsettling, engrossing
and disturbing. What happened there could have happened
anywhere. All things that are steady, constant and beholden,
yours, mine and ours, can be swept away. While it’s nearly
impossible to understand that kind of loss until you are faced
with it—to the extent that, in writing this, I’m aware that it
sounds borderline, if not entirely, trite—we all know, it’s
true. Because words like this are terribly insufficient, it’s
all the more reason to do something. Plus, we’re doubling up
the feel-good factor: you’ll be benevolent and get some great
art.” - 20x200
via Jenni Lee

All proceeds of this print through 20x200 will support the
Japan Society’s Earthquake Relief Fund.

Really beautiful collection of photos.