Wednesday, May 20, 2009

an award!

big thanks hello sandwich for making ii-ne-kore part of the loveology awards! here are some blogs that i really enjoy and that have been meaning to pay homage to for a little while now.
so i say hear hear to all that ebony mentioned, and...

2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

(sorry, my fonts are all up the creek here, and am unable to fix them)

above 1st picture: at-swim-two-birds on building blocks
above 2nd picture (via +): sanne on junya ishigami
below 1st picture: #320
below 2nd picture: jollygoo's framed photography
post on truck furniture by uneenvie
it's all in the name (via +):
tumblr streams (via +, again!):
melbourne via paris:
poetics in nature:
a month of creation:
words and pictures:
melbourne all over:
my favourite quote (and a great applique cat jumper) 'i always feel intimidated around young hip kids. they sure wear great flats though. ha'
a very special guest recipe coming soon on ii-ne-kore:
and finally, i really want to make the chickpea salad on pia jane bijkerk's post, almost vegetarian

and a special extra mention, this flower artist looks very interesting, via spoon-tamago


  1. Whheee! Thank you lovely - I'm very chuffed and excited. I shall pass along the love accordingly. You've made my day!

  2. Thank you!!!!!
    I would've picked you to give an award to but I guess I can't give it back to the person who gave it to you :p

  3. great blog links! thanks for sharing!
    so interesting, the japan in french blog!

    i remember when i was in japan, i was watching TV and came across this special just had two guys interviewing eachother. it was a frenchman and a nihonjin man. the frenchman was speaking to the japanese man in japanese, and the japanese man was speaking to the frenchman in french!!...and they just carried a conversation speaking in the others native language, perfectly.
    it was so great!

  4. Thank you, thank you! I am very honored! I very much enjoy your blog. And thanks for the links as well!

  5. Anonymous21:44

    What an honour and a surprise! Thanks so much, Bree, I'm really thrilled! And may I return my compliments!

  6. hi everyone! happy days! i really enjoy reading everyone's blogs so much.

  7. thanks so much for the mention! It's an honor being included with all these great blogs!

  8. You deserve the award and I am thrilled for the other bloggers receiving it.

  9. thanks yoli and johnny, there are so many really great blogs and people doing wonderful things or making and sharing their little corner of the world out there, it is all highly inspiring:)

