Tuesday, May 19, 2009

paper love

papier laboです。
and the papier labo blog, it is wonderful. art of paper. letterpress, font and typography heaven. (this is where i found community garden zine.)
and as a strong believer in animal rights, i like this papier labo postcard collaboration with mike mills' 'humans' project. that link also has a nice summary of who papier labo are. and mike mills is just incredibly great all round.
and 8tokyo has some photos of inside their sendagaya shop.


  1. I love all these!

  2. Sugoi! What a great site - thanks so much for sharing! Those envelopes are so delicious!

  3. いいね、いいね!!
    papier laboのお店には行った事なかったけど、今度行ってみます。

    FootscrayにあるMelbourne Museum of Printingには行った事ありますか?
    ここもletterpress, font and typography heavenですよ。2月に行ったんですけど、とっても面白かった!

  4. Anonymous21:06

    I ordered the zines - so exciting!
    Have a sweet day! Well, it's morning here and your Wednesday is over, but then that's for tomorrow!

  5. hi hiki, 私も行ってみたい!でもちょっと遠いな。。。melbourne museum of printingに行ったことない、面白そう、thanks for the tip:)

    yay! so happy you ordered them too jo! can;t wait:) i hope you had a nice day (i think is it maybe night now? i get confused with time zones!)

  6. and thanks for the comments kate and yoli, i am glad you like them - so wonderful ne!

